
Join 1,649 players across 831 servers playing the games you know and love, right now!

Dedicated servers

Play it the way you like.

All of the games we support include a dedicated server browser.
No matter your favorite play style, mode or clan - there’s probably a server for it!

Learn how to host your own server

Built-in friend list.

Get a quick overview of what servers your friends are playing on - and join them!

Truly dedicated servers.

Run your own server, on your own hardware. Even for games that previously had no support for it.

Plutonium Anti-Cheat.

Our anti-cheat is - to the dismay of many cheaters - really, really good at catching them.

Modding support

Power to the players.

GSC scripting is supported in every game we have clients for.
Even if the steam version did not.

Find out how to create your own mod
init() // entry point
    level thread onplayerconnect();

        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onplayerspawned();

    self endon("disconnect");
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self iprintlnbold("^2Hello world!");
Enhanced Clients

A redefined experience.

The games you know and love, redefined.
With more content, fixes, and improvements.

See the full list of improvements

Improved Security.

Security vulnerabilities that we have found in the basegames ourselves(!), have been patched.

Controller Support.

Controller support has been added to every game.

Additional content.

We've added several additional guns and maps to the games.

And much, much more...

Aim Assist
Ultra Wide Monitor Support
Theater/Demo System
Discord Rich Presence
All DLC unlocked
Aim Down Sight Sensitivity
UPNP for custom games
dvar unlocked
dvar unlocked

Read full feature list