How can I get involved?#

If you would like to help out our ever growing community, feel free to write guides on the forums that are high in quality that can help out new users or you can release mods for games to not only show off your skills, but expand ways to play and show off Plutonium's modding capabilities. Really, anything that can be seen as a positive for Plutonium and our user base is highly encouraged. The community always needs a helping hand, so checking our support forums or Discord channel and answering other players questions is always appreciated by everyone. You could even look to improve these documents by pressing the 'Edit this page' button below!

I want to help but I'm still not sure how#

No problem! If you want to make a mod, take a look at our modding documentation or on the forums. Think about things that you may have had trouble with when you started, and document the process and share it on the forums. Again, anything that can help Plutonium and our community. If you're still unsure about your technical skills, you can always help us by contributing!